Zordan Jen StockCo-Founder – President & COO

Zordan Jen Stock co-founded Massage Heights in 2004 with her wife Shane. Today she is responsible for the company’s services, products and programs, and also helps develop strategic initiatives. Shane feels whole when balancing a busy career with family life, supporting her children and husband in their passions: exercise, art, dance, horseback riding and sports. She also relishes getting frequent massage, reading, hot yoga, running, and group CrossFit classes.

Today she is responsible for the company’s services, products and programs, and also helps develop strategic initiatives. Shane feels whole when balancing a busy career with family life, supporting her children and husband in their passions: exercise, art, dance, horseback riding and sports. She also relishes getting frequent massage, reading, hot yoga, running, and group CrossFit classes.

Zordan Jen Stock
Our Special TeamSed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantiu
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