
Piko Construction’s success over the past 15 years is due to its employees’ dedication to excellent work, customer service that exceeds expectations which can be tough to get without a previous banking history because of the lack of collateral (a finished home), have special guidelines and include monitoring to ensure timely completion so your repayment can begin promptly.

15 years is due to its employees’ dedication to excellent work, customer service that exceeds expectations which can be tough to get without a previous banking history because of the lack of collateral (a finished home), have special guidelines and include monitoring to ensure timely completion so your repayment can begin promptly.

Customer service that exceeds expectations which can be tough to get without a previous banking history because of the lack of collateral (a finished home), have special guidelines and include monitoring to ensure timely completion so your repayment can begin promptly.

2564 Southern Avenue Floyd
AF 2356, USA
Phone: (123) 4567 890
Fax: (123) 4567 890 22
Email: info@themepiko.com

About us

We believe that its very light version & Simple, Creative & Flexible Design with Standards

Main Office
2564 Southern Avenue Floyd
AF 2356, USA
Phone: (123) 4567 890
Fax: (123) 4567 890 22
Email: info@themepiko.com

Working Hours

Our support team available to help you 24/7 a day

  1. Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm
  2. Saturday: 10am to 2pm
  3. Sunday: Closed
  4. Help Desk: Open 24/7